No cards, no flowers, no phone calls. It was just a day like any other. I did a little knitting, I did a little unknitting, I ran some errands. I even posted here!
The first project I ever posted here. I wore this cowl today! |
I've kind of surprised myself that I've kept it up for a whole year. In that time, I've found my voice and have come to enjoy the writing process. I don't think I'll ever consider myself a writer, but it's definitely not as bad as I thought it was when I was in college.
A photo I've never posted here, because they were knit for a gift. Which was given last weekend. |
I have no idea what the new year has in store for me, but I'm looking forward to sharing it here. Maybe I'll throw in a little more sewing and needlepoint, as well as architecture and design. Thanks for sticking with me, y'all. Until next time!
Yay! One year!