Wednesday, May 25, 2011

It's Wednesday Again. Already.

Wow. The weekend just flew by. I'm not exactly sure what I did - I think part of Sunday involved having some of my knitting friends over for crafting, but my memories are a little on the dim side, as I think I had more wine than I meant to. There's still plenty of the red left, but I think the white tasted better because it was so hot outside. Yep, that's why - it was just so refreshing.

Anyway, there has been actual progress on the Aran Isle sock. I've gotten the leg done and have turned the heel, so now I'm working on the gusset decreases and then the feet. As usual, these are going two-at-a-time on one long circular. It's such an efficient way to do them that I can't imagine ever doing them singly, or on double-pointed needles. I know, I know, different strokes and all that.

I'm thinking about what my next project will be, as it seems like lately I've been doing lots of quick 'n' dirty projects and not so much with the long-term commitment projects. Heidi Kirmeier's Buttercup has been near the top of my queue for some time, as has Muriqui's Lapse of Reason. I think Buttercup would be a good candidate to start next, as once the fiddly bit has been completed around the neckline, the rest of it should be a piece of cake - just miles of stockinette with a little bit of scallopy lace at the hem. I have another color of the Rowan Revive in mind for it. This is the yarn I used to make Vesper - it's lovely. You can see it in the photo below.

Lapse of Reason is under consideration because I've really been looking forward to using the Great Adirondack Silky Bamboo Sport that I got at the Super Bowl sale. The colors are so beautiful (see below) - and the finished moebius shawl would be nice to wear on the plane on my way to Sock Summit. I can start on either right away, as I intend to use stash yarn for both.

Y'all want to help me decide? I'd love to hear what you think. Until next time, then.

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