Sunday, January 15, 2012

Cat and Mousies!

The mosaic cat is finished! It looks pretty cool - I can't wait to get it hung up. I think it's going to live on the faux-brick wall in my dining room, along with its peacock friend. I have also been checking out Etsy & Ebay for more of their friends (mainly the pheasant that goes with the peacock & the Siamese cat that goes with my black cat), so that the wall will look a little more filled in. I've found all kinds of neat examples of these kits and I'm having a hard time deciding what to get. Most of the completed mosaics I'm finding are priced at around $40, some as high as $65, and then shipping. What's blowing my mind is that when these kits were originally sold in stores, the peacock kit went for $10 and the cat kit went for $5. But then, according to this inflation calculator page, in current dollars, the peacock kit would now cost $60.24 and the cat would now be $30.12, so I paid just about the right price for the cat when I bought it in an antique shop two years ago. I feel like I should go back and see if there are any more. If any of you happen to see the Siamese cat out there anywhere, please let me know - I am happy to reimburse you for it if you buy it. I'd really like to have the pair.

In knitting news, I've made a couple more stuffed mice, as two of my nieces requested them at Christmas. They didn't get any in their stockings because it was thought they were too old for stuffed animals anymore. They were very sweet about asking for a mouse each and hoped I could make them in pinks and purples for them. I think that of these two, the lavender one with the peachy-colored ears is the more successful - I think the other is a little too dark. I think I'll try to make a pinkish one, this time with a bright contrast for the ears. I'll have to do a little digging through my stash, though, these mice have been great for using up remants of sock yarn!

Well, that's it for this one, y'all! See you next time.

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